Sam Way

Senior Applied Scientist, Flatiron Health

Contact: samfway (at)


  • 05.22.24 – I'm at the WebSci conference in Stuttgart, presenting work with collaborators from Spotify Research.
  • 04.10.24 – Today I started a new position at Flatiron Health!


Exploring Local Music's Place in Global Streaming Samuel F. Way, Dominika Mazur, Rebecca Kupferman, Megan Walsh, Angelina Tizé, and Ben Lacker Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. on Web Science (WebSci), 2024
A Genre-Based Analysis of New Music Streaming at Scale Julie Jiang, Aditya Ponnada, Ang Li, Ben Lacker, and Samuel F. Way Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. on Web Science (WebSci), 2024
Socially-motivated Music Recommendation Ben Lacker and Samuel F. Way Proc. Int'l Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024
Time after Time: Longitudinal Trends in Nostalgic Listening Clara Hanson, Jesse Anderton, Samuel F. Way, Ian Anderson, Scott Wolf, and Alice Wang Proc. Int'l Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2022
The Dynamics of Exploration on Spotify Lillio Mok, Samuel F. Way, Lucas Maystre, and Ashton Anderson Proc. Int'l Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2022
TastePaths: Enabling Deeper Exploration and Understanding of Personal Preferences in Recommender Systems Savvas Petridis, Nediyana Daskalova, Sarah Mennicken, Samuel F. Way, Paul Lamere, and Jennifer Thom Proc. Int'l Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2022
The Unequal Impact of Parenthood in Academia Allison C. Morgan, Samuel F. Way, Michael J. D. Hoefer, Mirta Galesic, Daniel B. Larremore, and Aaron Clauset Science Advances, 2021
Towards Fairness in Practice: A Practitioner-Oriented Rubric for Evaluating Fair ML Toolkits Brianna Richardson, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Samuel F. Way, Jennifer Thom, and Henriette Cramer Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021
Local Trends in Global Music Streaming Samuel F. Way, Jean Garcia-Gathright, and Henriette Cramer Proc. Int'l Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2020
Productivity, prominence, and the effects of academic environment Samuel F. Way, Allison C. Morgan, Daniel B. Larremore, and Aaron Clauset PNAS 201817431, 2019
Environmental Changes and the Dynamics of Musical Identity Samuel F. Way, Santiago Gil, Ian Anderson, and Aaron Clauset Proc. Int'l Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2019
Prestige drives epistemic inequality in the diffusion of scientific ideas Allison C. Morgan, Dimitrios Economou, Samuel F. Way, and Aaron Clauset EPJ Data Science 7:40, 2018
Automatically assembling a full census of an academic field Allison C. Morgan, Samuel F. Way, and Aaron Clauset PLOS One 13(8): e0202223, 2018
Network assembly of scientific communities of varying size and specificity Daniel Citron and Samuel F. Way Journal of Informetrics 12.1: 181-190, 2018
The misleading narrative of the canonical faculty productivity trajectory Samuel F. Way, Allison C. Morgan, Aaron Clauset, and Daniel B. Larremore PNAS 114(44): E9216-E9223, 2017. Presented at ICWSM and IC2S2
Ablation as Targeted Perturbation to Rewire Communication Network of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Susumu Tao, Samuel F. Way, ... , and Hiroshi Ashikaga PLOS One 12(7): e0179459, 2017
Gender, Productivity, and Prestige in Computer Science Faculty Hiring Networks Samuel F. Way, Daniel B. Larremore, and Aaron Clauset Proc. 25th Int'l World Wide Web Conf. (WWW), 2016
Quantifying convergence in the sciences Sara Lumbreras, Penny Mealy, Christopher Verzijl, and Samuel F. Way Pensamiento: Revista de Investigación e Información filosófica, 2016
Synthesis aided design: The biological design-build-test engineering paradigm? Ryan T. Gill, Andrea L. Halweg-Edwards, Aaron Clauset, and Samuel F. Way Biotechnol. Bioeng., 113: 7–10, 2015
Assembling thefacebook: Using heterogeneity to understand online social network assembly Abigail Z. Jacobs, Samuel F. Way, Johan Ugander and Aaron Clauset Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. on Web Science (WebSci), 2015
Which is more important for classifying microbial communities: who's there or what they can do? Zhenjiang Xu, Daniel Malmer, Morgan Langille, Samuel F. Way, and Rob Knight ISME J. 8(12): 2357-9, 2014
RAIphy: Phylogenetic classification of metagenomics samples using iterative refinement of relative abundance index profiles Ozkan U. Nalbantoglu, Samuel F. Way, Steven H. Hinrichs, and Khalid Sayood BMC Bioinformatics 12:41, 2011
A grammar-based distance metric enables fast and accurate clustering of large sets of 16S sequences David J. Russell, Samuel F. Way, Andrew K. Benson, and Khalid Sayood BMC Bioinformatics 11:601, 2010

Slide decks

05.23.24Exploring Local Music’s Place in Global Streaming at the ACM Web Science Conference 2024.

Example slides

05.23.24A Genre-Based Analysis of 
New Music Streaming at Scale at the ACM Web Science Conference 2024.

06.04.20Visualizing Complex Science (Simply) at the Symposium for Data Science and Statistics 2020.

Example slides


About Me

I'm currently a Senior Applied Scientist at Flatiron Health, previously at Spotify, Facebook, and CU Boulder. I've had the great fortune of using machine learning and other computational tools to solve important and complex problems across a range of disciplines. Each application setting has given me a valuable lens and perspective to apply to the next.

Non-academic things about me: I'm passionate about music, both playing and listening. Recently I've been listening more than playing, but in the past, I played in jazz ensembles and in bands ranging from blues and funk to reggae. I love everything about food: making it, discussing it, learning about it. I'm a huge basketball fan. I love the outdoors and exploring new places. I enjoy learning about design and how it affects human behavior, including my own. Last, and perhaps most importantly, I'm always on the lookout for ways to move items from the "non-academic list" to the "academic list" – let me know if you'd like to help!